ESMI has created an array of social safety nets housed at the Centre for Human Capital and Environmental Sustainability (CHES). This is a collection of services including welfare, education support programmes, healthcare, homeless shelters, human right promotions, entrepreneurship development, food security/agriculture incentive and sometimes subsidized services such as public transport, assisting rural dwellers to live a healthy and sustainable life.
CHES is a community of people willing to stand up as a voice on the plight of the rural people irrespective of where they live. The plight of the rural people affects us in one way or the other. Even if our relatives are not involved, the rural farmers are instrumental in producing fresh foods for the urban people. Any contribution given for the development of rural people is also going to benefit the urban people. You register as a member or just donate to assist the rural people. The Centre’s main areas of concern are:
- Children education,
- Rural health,
- Food security/Agriculture,
- Good Governance
- Women and Youth Empowerment
- Social and gender inequality
- Skills Acquisition